Our 5 Zero Waste New Year’s Resolutions for 2019


The new year is fast approaching and while 2018 has been a year when the world’s plastic problems have escalated at a rapid rate, there is hope for 2019 as more and more mainstream media outlets seek to shine a light on this growing problem. Zero waste stores are opening across the globe and a growing amount of people are saying no to single-use plastic products in favour of sustainable alternatives.  

Happy New Year

So what can we do to win the war on plastic in 2019? How can we change our habits this year? Here are our top 5 new year’s resolutions for the planet-conscious citizen.

5. Open your eyes….

One of the biggest issues when it comes to plastic is that we often don’t know the scale of the problem, what causes it and how we can change. There are some fairly obvious plastic items like bottles and straws that we know are a danger to our world…. But there are also hidden polluters that we need to be educated about. Did you know that a single clothes wash could release up to 700,000 micro plastic particles?

Resolution number 5: Read 1 article per week/month on plastic waste

Pollution on beach caused by single use plastic and trash

4. Build your own zero waste kit

It’s difficult to be zero waste when you are at a trendy bar with your friends and the waiter hands you a drink with a plastic straw. Should you carry a reusable straw with you everywhere you go? 

Yes. When you are shopping for zero waste items, think practically. Find products that you can use at home and outside. Jungle Straws come with a natural jute bag for storing them in the house and a smaller handmade bag to put in your purse or pocket when you’re out.

The key is to have a zero waste kit that suits your needs. Figure out what plastics you use the most and buy sustainable alternatives. Build a kit and take it with you when you go out.

Then you can truly :


Resolution number 4: Build a zero waste kit

3. Go 21st century on Plastics ***

Need help quitting plastics for good? Cometh Apple and Google… There are apps for everything including zero waste. Need drinking water? Try “Refill” (UK) “Tap” (US). Want to track what’s in your fridge so your food doesn’t go bad? “Foodful.ly”

There are so many helpful apps that you can download to help you change your lifestyle…. All you need do is ask Google and you will find…

Resolution number 3: Download 5 apps that will help you live a zero waste life

Jungle Straws single straw pouches for Bamboo Reusable Straws

2. Simple… Walk more!

This resolution is simple… but effective. Take more walks. 

If you live a 10min drive from the train station, consider waking up 20mins earlier and walking in the mornings. Not only will you help the planet, but you are helping yourself. Walking is great for you physically but it also gives you time to reflect and centre yourself. 

Try to walk 30 minutes a day and after a month you will feel better for it.

Resolution number 2: Walk 30 minutes per day

1. Make one swap per month

This is a big challenge… I know. But try it. 1 year, 12 swaps.

Becoming zero waste can seem like a daunting task. But everybody starts somewhere and sometimes it can be easier to dip your toes in the water, rather than jumping off a cliff.

Small, incremental changes compound over time. Set an alarm on your phone for the 1st of every month, around the time you relax in the evening. Every time the alarm goes off, go online and search for a product or lifestyle change you can make to be a little bit more eco-conscious. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic change. It can be small, like buying a reusable water bottle or a set of reusable straws. Step-by-step and month-by-month you can become zero waste.

Resolution number 1: Make one zero waste swap every month

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